Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I got rid of my studio...

Leaving the Nest

Leaving the Nest

Well I moved it anyway. I have been feeling for awhile that life with a two year old is not conducive to secluding myself in a studio. I wanted my work to be integrated into my daily life and to be able to work on things every moment that I could.

My process is to percolate and wait for the piece to reveal it's next move.

So over the course of the last few months I have been planning to move all of my studio equipment down to the main living area. A few weeks ago my brother was here to visit and he along with my strapping husband brought the very heavy and awkward press down the first floor.

Now I have a closet full of supplies, my press, and plenty of high counters to work on pieces while I have a few moments to spare. I have to say, my intuition was right. It is working and my printmaking has added an element of mixed media, pushing my work even further.

I have been using prints and mounting them on canvas, adding luscious gels, mediums, and a little bit of painting for a final finish. I don't have pics yet, but remember this print?

Forest on Fire

Forest on Fire

I had quite a few artist prints and they are evolving into a narrative. I am not sure where it will lead, but it is really speaking to me. I will post some pics soon.

For now, I am having fun, exploring, and working hard.


Unknown said...

VERY nice, Michelle.

I like them both a lot.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful Bird Print. I'm glad to have come across your blog, Michelle. I've added you to my reader and look forward to your future posts. Jo

Michelle Turbide, an artist on a soul journey said...

Thanks to both of you for looking.

Jo I checked out your blog and your work is beautiful. I really liked your books and Yoga Mama print.

Antoinette Musik said...

Your work is absolutely fantastic!
